In celebration of Canada’s 150th Birthday, The Stephen Low Company is pleased to announce the availability of Canada 150 graphics for the promotion of the award-winning IMAX® Experience Rocky Mountain Express.
The Film Connection
Rocky Mountain Express tells the remarkable story of one of the nation’s founding projects: the shaping of a transcontinental railway. Give your audiences the journey of a lifetime aboard CPR locomotive 2816 and help celebrate Canada’s birthday.

An essential promise to partners of Confederation in 1867, the building of a transcontinental railway would tie together the provinces of the Dominion of Canada and its far-flung communities.
A risky, rough and dangerous undertaking, the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway ultimately helped bring connection, industry and prosperity and shaped a place for the new nation in the world.
The new transcontinental linkage also helped citizens and visitors discover how truly spectacular this land called Canada really was.
Join the Party
150 years only comes around once. Make the most of an extraordinary birthday party. Celebrate with Canadians and honorary Canadians everywhere!
Exhibition Formats
Available for exhibition in:
- IMAX with Laser
- 15/70
- giant screen digital
Film Licensing
For information on licensing Rocky Mountain Express for your theater, contact: Pietro L. Serapiglia
More about the film:
- Rocky Mountain Express (film page)
- “The Road to Rocky Mountain Express” (production feature)
Vertical and horizontal graphics are available in flat pdf or layered Photoshop (.psd) file formats. Previews below.